A Statement of Being

2-mile race

Me and Asidhari, 2-mile race in NY

Every Saturday, in quite a few Sri Chinmoy Centres around the world, there will be a 2-mile fun run talking place, with students of varying abilities trying to walk or run around the course quicker then they did last week. When the race takes place in New York, Sri Chinmoy will sometimes come and spontaneously compose a prayer-poem or a song. At last Wednesday's meditation, I was leafing through a complilation of these prayers (titled My Race-Prayers), when this one popped up like an old friend....

I am a God-dreamer-life.
I am a God-lover-heart.
I am a God-listener-mind.
I am a God-carrier-vital.
I am a God-server-body.
I am a God-treasurer-soul.
I am a God-whisperer-soul.
I am a God-drummer-soul.
I am a God-messenger-soul.
I am a God-harbinger-soul.

(composed February 29, 2004)

Stone lion

Some of Sri Chinmoy's poems will mention the components of our being - body, vital (our emotional being), mind, heart, and soul - in turn, but what I love about this one is that it identifies with the soul, the Real within us, not once like the rest, but five times, each adjective somehow reinforcing the last whilst at the same time expanding our window tinto the highest part of our Being.

I remember Sri Chinmoy said that learning this prayer would be of definite help to us in our aspiration and he would be very grateful to his students if they learnt it. I did, and then of course with time I forgot. But now I remember.

Related Links

  • Recording of Sri Chinmoy reciting this prayer on radiosrichinmoy.org (Note: must have RealPayer installed to hear)
  • Photos are taken by Igor Talevski and Amelia Lloyd; I used them to illustrate my account of my visit to New York to see my teacher in November 2005.